Friday 3 October 2014

Digital Visual Effects Week 01 - Brief and Concept

As the brief is open ended about what we can create (aslong as it is done within nuke and includes modeling, editing and compositing) I can take the project in any way I want.

I want to do something with an idea I had for last years brief, but couldn't as it wasn't enough work for 3 people and the final decision wasn't up to me.

The idea was to have a typical item in the house, such as a laptop, or maybe a microwave, or a phone transform into a small robot, and attack or mock the owner in some way. Basically any sort of small interaction, after which the robot would escape or be destroyed by the owner.

These 2 machines featured in the Star Wars film first gave me the idea. The way they open up from a ball or sphere to activate interested me to create something similar, although I would have the outer shell be part of the robot and not just moved up and away like a hood.

From here I will work on the storyboard and story of the film ill create, and thinking about what I can do to fill the specifications of the brief.

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