Tuesday 14 October 2014

3D Modelling Week 03 - Bathroom Research

Continuing on from my research last week, this week I looked into the other assets that will make up my bathroom.


Since the bathroom has a natural theme, I'm trying to minimize visible piping, therefore the shower will look like a blend of the above images. It'll be attached to the wall from the bottom, where the single handle for the water is, for the piping to feed through, it will then go straight up parallel to the wall and bend at the top for a flat shower head. I have gone with this as its the design its simplistic and the one I intend to have for the taps of the sink and bath.

Bath and Sink Taps

I want the taps to be the same design as the shower head, albeit modified. The upper image best shows the qualities I'm aiming for, which are the same as the shower. The smooth groove of the neck reflecting how the raw stone and wood flows smoothly in with the organic architecture.

Towel Rack

The towel rack is where I could add the rustic wood I wish to add. Near the doorway by the shower could work for it. Or I could continue with the theme of the shower and sink and have a groving metal rack attached to the wall.


This is the type of bin I will go for. I want it to match the open, shell design of the bath and sink, which I believe the above image does well.

Bathroom Rug

I'm still on the fence about including a bathroom rug. It wouldn't exactly go with the theme of the bathroom, but it would improve the quality of the photorealism if I modelled and textured it well. If I do go with a rug, this is the type I will go for, a big fluffy rug, one infront of the bath and shower. Colour wise I think white to match the ceramic of the sink and bath.

I now think I have researched enough assests of the room to begin designing and putting my room together, from which I will build the 3D room, using it as a reference image.

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