Monday 13 October 2014

Concept Development Week 03 - Logo

At this point I gathered feedback on the design. Unfortunately most feedback I received back when asked to criticize and how to improve were small, mainly colour choice. Things that could be described as a personal opinion that differentiates with each individual. I still rendered out a few versions of the logo in colours suggested.

Personally I believe the original sky blue is still the best option, and therefore I will keep it.

A more useful piece of feedback I received was that the mountain should be more symmetrical, so as to be more memorable to the viewer, and improve the shadow. Here is the reviewed, and closing in to become, final logo design.

I believe the mountain is more symmetrical, but have doubts that its a major imporvement. The shadow is simpler and the mountain symmetrical, but believe its less interesting. One improvement I see needing is the blue background near the start of the name, as it seems to be too close to the Ps.

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