Wednesday 8 October 2014

3D Modelling Week 02 - Bathroom Research

I began my research by looking at bathrooms that fitted my initial wants for the bathroom. That it involved stone and wood in a modern setting.

From this research I quickly realized I wanted my bathroom to have these specific items;

Free Standing Oval Bath

Stacked Stone Wall

Sitting Oval Sink

Rustic Wooden Panel

These items would set the theme for the bathroom.


For the bath I have a decision between two.

Here are 2 examples of the different paths I could take with the bath. I should note that both options share the idea of having the wall material match the surface underneath the bath and surrounding area. First choice is a stone bath, with stone or wooden panel wall behind it. I think a stone wall and bath could blend into eachother very well, creating its own 'room' within the bathroom designated by the change to all stone as the bath area, but a rustic wood panelled wall could have a comforter feel of nature to it. The problem with this of course is the wood constantly damp from the user getting in and out of the bath. . The other choice is to have a typical ceramic bath with a stone stack wall, and have the wooden panelling somewhere else in the room. This would be the easiest solution for the wood panels, kept away near the doorway would keep it dry.

Stack Stone Wall

I want a stone stack wall because of its popularity, and ability to merge with modern structures so successfully, but still keep its tie to the earth. I in part believe that raw, unpolished stone is beautiful, and a great addition to increase the appeal of an architectural design. The chaos of the stacking is another appeal of it, not only visually, but for the aim of this module, chaos is a great tool of photo-realism. For the room I dont intend for it to cover all 4 walls, rather just 1 plane.


For the sink I intend it to hang from one slab that would attached to the wall, with the ceramic sink sitting on top of it, and piping being as minimal as possible. The above image best visualizes what I have in mind. I have in mind to create the desk for it out of a stone such as slate or granite, or perhaps a dark, polished wood. I've chosen this because of its minimalism. This type of sink fitting in with the modern setting I want for my bathroom, but combining it with the feeling of nature and raw material the wooden/stone desk will have. It will also compliment the oval shaped bath, and vice versa.

Rustic Wooden Panel

I would like to include rustic wooden panels into the bathroom somehow, probably a grey coloured type, as shown above. I do have doubts it will blend in smoothly with the stone and white ceramic, but it would add the rustic/sentimental feel I want the bathroom to have. One idea is to keep it to the doorway, implementing it to the walls somehow. I don't want to put it into the mirror, but will if more research inspires an appropriate means.

I believe I have some good leads to the designs I want for the 4 objects I've mentioned, and others such as the shower and flooring.

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